Transportation Research Centers

Status: Existing


Represents research institutes or research centers that perform transportation–related research.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Research InstitutesOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Archived Data System
Archived Data User System

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Center Data Collection'Center Data Collection' collects and stores information that is created in the course of center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.False
Center Data Subscription Management'Center Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an end user. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary user information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to the end user. It provides the local user interface through which a user can specify and manage subscriptions. It supports different mechanisms for collecting subscribed data for the end–user including one–time query–response as well as publish–subscribe services.False

Physical Standards

Document NumberTitleDescription
NEMA TS 8Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation SystemsThis specification describes how agencies and other transportation infrastructure owner/operators should implement cyber– and physical–security for ITS.

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

AMATS Data Archive
City of Akron Crash Data Archive
County and City Traffic Data Archives
METRO RTA Transit Data Archives
ODOT Traffic Data Archive System
Ohio DPS Crash Database
Ohio Event Streaming Platform
OSU Center of Automotive Research
PARTA Transit Data Archives