PT12-Transit Vehicle at Station/Stop Warnings (DriveOhio CV/AV)

Status: Future


––Instance of PT12–– The Transit Vehicle at Station/Stop Warnings service package inform nearby vehicles of the presence of a transit vehicle at a station or stop. The service package also indicates the intention of the transit vehicle in terms of pulling into or out of a station/stop.


PT12-Transit Vehicle at Station/Stop Warnings (DriveOhio CV/AV)

Includes Elements

METRO RTA Fixed–Route Dispatch
METRO RTA Fixed–Route Vehicles
METRO RTA Paratransit Dispatch
METRO RTA Paratransit Vehicles
PARTA Fixed–Route Dispatch
PARTA Fixed–Route Vehicles
PARTA Paratransit Dispatch
PARTA Paratransit Vehicles
Personal Information Device
University of Akron Roo Express Dispatch Center
University of Akron Roo Express Shuttle Service Vehicles
ODOT Connected Vehicles Roadside Equipment
County and City Connected Vehicles Roadside Equipment
Connected/Automated Vehicles
Basic Vehicles